Welcome to the Touchbase online payment site for the Snohomish School District






Family Login

Username: Skyward Family Access Username

Password: Skyward Family Access Password (CaSe SeNsItiVe)

If you forgot your password please CLICK HERE to be redirected to Skyward Family Access sign in page.  

Please use the "Forgot Password" link to reset your Skyward password.

 Please allow up to 24 hours for the online payments portal to be updated with your new password.

Skyward Family Access login allows purchases for all or your students in the same transaction.

Student Login

User Name: (your child’s student number, including leading 0)

Password: (student’s last name — with a capital first letter)

Student login will only allow purchases for that specific student.


Community Members/Guest

           If you are not a parent or student and would like to make a purchase online, please Click Here to create your own guest account. Please make a note of your username and password in order to be able to log in with this information in the future.If you wish to purchase an item for a specific student, please contact the school to ensure the funds are connected with that student - do not use a guest account (i.e., do not use guest account to purchase food services)

 For further Touchbase instructions Click Here


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